Real Property

We provide services to customers in all cases
Real Property

Real Property Service

In the dynamic realm of real estate, we specialize in providing comprehensive legal support to retail and leisure businesses throughout the entire lifecycle of their trading premises.

Acquisition and Occupation

We guide retail and leisure businesses through the intricacies of acquiring and occupying their trading premises. Our expert team ensures that legal processes are navigated seamlessly, allowing businesses to focus on their operations with confidence.

Ongoing Management

IykeKaluLaw is dedicated to supporting businesses in the ongoing management of their real estate assets. From lease agreements to compliance matters, we provide legal assistance to safeguard the interests of landlords and tenants alike.

Disposal of Trading Premises

When the time comes for businesses to dispose of their trading premises, our legal expertise comes into play. We streamline the process, ensuring a smooth transition and facilitating successful property transactions.

Landlord Representation

We assist landlords in securing their income streams by effectively letting premises to occupiers. Our services encompass lease negotiations, drafting legal documents, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Legal Representation for Sellers: 

As legal representatives for potential sellers, we offer a comprehensive suite of services. This includes a thorough review of legal documents, negotiation support between buyer and seller attorneys, handling mortgage payouts, and ensuring all financial conditions are met.

Attorneys typically focus on one (or sometimes two) areas of law, often with the goal of becoming an expert in their chosen practice area. Understanding the different legal practice areas and what they cover can help you locate the right attorney for your needs.

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